Although most vacuums do a great job of cleaning different floors, they might be limited to some specific kinds of floors. For instance, hardwood floors may require some extra care when cleaning them. As such, a specialized vacuum such as the Dreame F9 designed for multipurpose cleaning would be ideal. It is because it is developed with the latest technology that cares more about the quality of service provided. It does not scratch surfaces. Ideally, it gives one the result that they expected.

Apart from its non-scratching nature, the robot vacuum has a 2500 pa suction making it the best robot vacuum for hardwood floor. The high power suction helps clean the grooves on the bare floor. For most people, hardwood floors are a crucial part of their homes, and they increase their homes' value. Below are some things people should know about hardwood floor cleaning using the Dreame F9 robot vacuum.
Do Robot Vacuums Scratch Wood Floors?
In most cases, robot vacuums are mainly used for cleaning purposes without having to be operated by any user. Yet, many people have raised concerns about the ability of a robot vacuum to clean their floors without damaging them.
Generally, the Dreame F9 robot vacuum is made with the latest technology to eliminate floor scratching. Nevertheless, there might be instances where this robot vacuum scratches the floor while moving using its mapping functions. For example, if debris gets stuck around its wheel, there is going to be some damage. If not so, the front caster wheel will jam, and get dragged across the hardwood floor.
The Dreame F9 is equipped with giant spinning and two counter brushes. These brushes are made in a way that they cannot scratch a hardwood floor. In this case, the only way this robot vacuum can damage a hardwood floor would be through the wheels. These wheels may go ahead and scratch the hardwood floors if debris or dirt gets stuck on the wheel. As discussed before, the waste can also jam the front wheel, making it scratch the floor sideways. To solve this issue, the Dreame F9 wheels are made so that a homeowner can remove them, and also clean them. It makes it easy for the wheels to move around, and they will not damage the floor.
How Well do Robot Vacuums Work on Carpet?
If one is looking forward to cleaning their carpets using a robot vacuum, they might be looking for the best solution ever. The Dreame F9 robot vacuum has great mopping functions that give it an easy time navigating the carpet. Besides, the features also help it avoid obstacles, thus, keeping track of all the locations it is directed to clean.

The robot vacuum also has a main brush that can pull hair, dirt, and debris from the carpet. Besides, it has some side brushes that are even smaller than the main brush. However, their functions are similar because they help clean areas of the carpet that the main brush cannot reach.
Another great feature that the Dreame F9 robot vacuum assures a homeowner is the 2500pa suction power. It makes it capable of working on a carpet, and other types of flooring. The high suction power is essential as it helps suck all the dirt from the carpet's surface. Even as the robot vacuum serves you for ages, you are assured of constant suction power. It makes it the right option for maximum use and splendid performance.
The Dreame F9 robot vacuum also has an exceptional sweep and mop abilities. With it, one is assured of maximum results on their carpets. With an excellent water mopping ability, the robot vacuum can clean a carpet without adding more water to the water tank. Besides, the 0.1mm microfiber roller brushes are quite crucial in the cleaning process as they clean the carpet efficiently.
What You Need to Consider When Choosing Robot Vacuums for Hardwood Floor
Many people end up in confusion, wondering which robot vacuum they can purchase for their hardwood floor. It is due to the variety of robot vacuums that have flooded the market. Besides, people are becoming lazy as days move on, people would want remote cleaning services. Although many robot vacuums have been invented, people still do not know the features they can check for that can be suitable for their hardwood floors. Primarily, it is because a hardwood floor is vulnerable to damage.
Below are some of the tips you need to consider choosing a robot vacuum for hardwood floor.
Battery Life
The Dreame F9 robot vacuum has a 5200mAh battery capacity that can offer up to 150 minutes’ battery life for a homeowner. As such, it can efficiently clean any hardwood floor without having to take a charging break. The power provided by the battery can keep the robot vacuum motor at high speed. Besides, it helps maintain its 2500 pa suction power.
Anti-bacterial Properties
Apart from cleaning and removing debris and dust around the house, Dreame F9 also helps fight bacteria. The Dreame F9 can be easily fitted with an anti-bacterial solution that helps kill bacteria, and it keeps them from cropping back. With a hardwood floor, bacteria can easily find a breeding ground. As such, checking for anti-bacterial properties in a robot vacuum is essential.
Perfect Mapping Functions
It is one of the main features that make cleaning a hardwood floor easy in different locations depending on the floor plan. For instance, one may have hardwood installed in the living room and home office. If they want to clean different areas, they will only need to use the mapping functions to guide the robot vacuum. The Dreame F9 has a 2.0 visual navigation system that can do at least 50 path calculations every second.
Primarily, if someone has pets in their home, they have to ensure that they go for a Dreame F9 robot vacuum for cleaning up after pets. Ideally, pets will not stay in one place, they will move around the house, and in the process, they will also be dropping their fur all over the place. Cleaning off the hair from a hardwood floor may not be a smooth ride, but having the right robot vacuum cleaner like Dreame F9, for instance, may simplify it. While an effective robot cleaner for pets may be useful in cleaning pet dirt, it also comes with some drawbacks, such as frequent maintenance.
Smart Robot Vacuum
In this modern age, everything has been simplified by impressive technological features. For instance, the internet has been incorporated in many industries today to streamline processes. In this same fashion, there are robot vacuums that use the internet to clean the house. As such, they have to be connected to the internet via Wi-Fi connectivity. When the smart robot vacuum cleaner has internet connectivity, Google assistant can be used to control the vacuum. Ideally, all someone has to do is command the vacuum to start cleaning, and the vacuum will start doing the job. A smart robot vacuum like the Dreame F9 is excellent, especially for the hardwood floor. While a smart vacuum may be more expensive than the conventional robot vacuums, they are worth the values of that money.
Avoid Hybrid Robot Vacuums
While a hybrid robot vacuum that can vacuum your hardwood floor and mop seems like a good idea, people should always think twice before buying them. It is because most of the hybrid vacuums are not useful in performing all their intended purposes. Most of the hybrid robot vacuums are excellent in vacuuming floors, but they are lousy at mopping floors. Besides, the hybrid vacuums are more expensive than a dedicated one-purpose vacuum, but they may not serve their purpose adequately. Thus, it would be best to go for a dedicated device to get the best performance for a hardwood floor.
What is the Best Robot Vacuum for Hardwood?
Primarily, an ideal vacuum for a hardwood floor should clean efficiently without much energy from the user. It should be able to clean the hardwood floor smoothly even if you have pets in your house, that drop their fur everywhere. Dreame F9 is an excellent robot vacuum for a hardwood floor that is exceptional in how it works. It has unique mapping functions, and it would be exceptionally beneficial. Moreover, it also has optical sensors responsible for detecting doors and other passages around the house.
While cleaning a hardwood floor may not be a smooth ride, cleaning using the Dreame F9 vacuum cleaner makes the job easy for you, and it also cleans the floor adequately. Ensure that you purchase the Dream F9 vacuum cleaner today, to get impressive results when cleaning your hardwood floor.